Governor Rauner Vetoes Chicago Municipal and Laborers’ Pension Reforms
On Friday March 24, 2017 Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed Senate Bill 2437,…
The Cook County Circuit Court recently ruled that the City of Chicago cannot tax other tobacco products according to Illinois state law. The City’s home rule tax on these products was expected to bring in $6.0 million in revenue. Other…
Click here to read this issue brief. This annual brief provides a compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions,…
Annually the Civic Federation releases a report on consumer taxes in the City of Chicago. Consumer taxes are charges for the consumption of goods or services and can be charged directly to consumers through retail transactions or passed…
The following are the five most read posts presented by the Civic Federation blog in 2016. These posts examine issues ranging from local government consolidation to pension funding reform. …
2017 Civic Federation Legislative Priorities The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2017 include …
The Civic Federation supports the proposed FY2017 City of Chicago budget of $8.2 billion because it continues to work toward addressing the City’s unfunded pension liabilities and makes significant improvements over past financial…
Decisions by two of the largest State of Illinois pension funds to reduce their expected rates of return on investment have …