

Mayor repays $220M pension borrowing, but at $1.38M cost

This article discusses the high interest rate that the City of Chicago recently paid for $220 million in short-term funding. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall calls the interest costs an unfortunate and avoidable expense, noting…


Emanuel scrambles to craft property tax break before bills hit

This article reports on a City of Chicago plan to create a property tax rebate to lower the tax burden to City homeowners. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, says it’s difficult to see how Chicago can afford a property tax…


Mihalopoulos: COLA — It’s the real thing driving pension mess

This article explains how the three-percent compounded annual increase on the State of Illinois’ public employee pensions has contributed significantly to the State’s pension problems. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall remarks that…


Chicago Police and Fire Pension Funding Changes Become Law

One year after passing the Illinois General Assembly, a bill that puts the City of Chicago’s Police and Fire pension funds on a 40-year plan to reach 90% funding…


Mayor Emanuel’s Pension Plan Survives Rauner’s Veto

This segment reports on the Illinois General Assembly overriding Governor Rauner’s veto of pension reforms for the City of Chicago’s police and fire pension funds and on the short and long-term effects of the legislation. Laurence Msall,…


Emanuel cuts new deal to save Laborers Pension Fund

This article reports on the City of Chicago’s recent agreement with the Laborers Pension Fund to save the fund from insolvency through a combination of union concessions and revenue from telephone tax increases. Laurence Msall, President…


Alternatives to Bankruptcy for School Districts in Fiscal Crisis

The Chicago Public Schools faces a potentially devastating financial crisis. The elements of this crisis include:   An FY2016 budget that was not balanced as it depended on the vague hope that the State of Illinois will provide $…


Emanuel keeps Wall Street waiting on pension overhaul

This article explains that the City of Chicago has yet to provide alternative reforms for two of its pension funds after an Illinois Supreme Court ruling overturned the City’s previous reform plan. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall…


Editorial: Pot, meet kettle

This editorial reports on findings included in the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of Governor Rauner’s FY2017 proposed budget and…


Civic Federation rips Rauner budget, declares Illinois finances at 'new low'

This article discusses the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of Governor Rauner’s FY2017 proposed budget for the State of Illinois that…