Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2003 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations
The Civic Federation opposed the $7.3 million property tax hike proposed by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District in its FY2003 $758 million budget.
The Civic Federation opposed the $7.3 million property tax hike proposed by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District in its FY2003 $758 million budget.
The Civic Federation supported the proposed FY2003 $141 million budget because of the proposed expenditure reductions of nearly $7 million, the elimination of 473 positions, the implementation of management efficiencies including…
The Civic Federation commended President Stroger for proposing a $2.9 billion budget that is balanced with no broad based tax increases andcontinues a trend toward reducing reliance on property tax.
The Civic Federation commended the City of Chicago for avoiding any broad based tax increases in its efforts to balance the $4.7 billion FY2003 budget.
The Civic Federation was encouraged by the City Colleges’ efforts to balance its $296 million budget by reducing positions and drawing down reserves. The Federation also applauded its efforts to implement a strategic planning process.
The Civic Federation applauded the Chicago Public Schools for eliminating $28 million in spending, in addition to the $90 million in cuts made in May in order to close a cumulative budget gap of at least $192 million. However, the…
The Civic Federation opposed a toll increase by the Illinois Toll Highway Authority. No increase should be considered before the implementation of reforms including improved toll enforcement, congestion management strategies and…
This report provides the results of several analyses and concludes that pending decisions by PTAB could create potentially large losses in local government revenue, and subsequently, significant tax burden shifts onto homeowners.
The Civic Federation opposed the $4.3 million property tax increase proposed in the MWRD’s proposed FY2002 budget of $793 million. The Federation did not believe that increasing taxes during a recession was prudent.
The Civic Federation opposed the $7 million property tax increase proposed in the FY2002 Chicago Park District’s $334 million budget. However, we strongly supported the innovative directions the District has taken this year and previous…